Get Statistics With Date Range
This service is used to view the statistics of searches in the last 1 month. The information required to perform the service call is the name of the person to be interrogated. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
username | String | Yes | Api Username Info |
password | String | Yes | Api Password Info |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
StartDate | DateTime | Yes | Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) |
EndDate | DateTime | Yes | End Date (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
HttpStatusCode | Int |
Transaction Result Code 200: Success 400: Unsuccessful |
IsSuccess | Boolean |
Transaction Result True: Success False: Unsuccessful |
ErrorCode | String |
Error Code |
ErrorMessage | String |
Error Message |
ExtraInfo | String |
Extra Information |
Result | Result Class |
Result Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
TotalSearchCount | Integer | Count Of All Searches |
AlertedSearchCount | Integer | Count Of Alerted Searches |
Date | DateTime | Statistic Day Date |
The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.
Sample Service Response Codes
GET /api/Reports/GetStatisticsWithDateRange?StartDate=startdate&EndDate=enddate
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorCode": null,
"ErrorMessage": null,
"ExtraInfo": null,
"Result": [
"TotalSearchCount": 13,
"AlertedSearchCount": 10,
"Date": "01.01.2020"
Get Monitoring Report By Scan Id
This service is used to list monitoring reports. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
username | String | Yes | Api Username Info |
password | String | Yes | Api Password Info |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
ScanId | String | Yes | Memo Id Of Search (Example: "scanId":"D0000000000") |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
HttpStatusCode | Int |
Transaction Result Code 200: Success 400: Unsuccessful |
IsSuccess | Boolean |
Transaction Result True: Success False: Unsuccessful |
ErrorCode | String |
Error Code |
ErrorMessage | String |
Error Message |
ExtraInfo | String |
Extra Information |
Result | Class |
Result class information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
ApiUsername | String | If an action was taken by the API user, the name of the relevant API user is filled in this field. |
UserId | Integer | The Id of the user who made the operation is written in this field. |
Username | String | If an action was taken by the WEB user, the name of the relevant WEB user is filled in this field. |
SearchedType | String | Searched Type of scan (SearchByName, SearchById, SearchByPassportNo) |
QueryString | String | Search Term of scan |
CreatedDate | DateTime | Operation Date as Datetime |
CreatedDateText | String | Operation Date as Text |
ScanId | String | Scan Id of scan |
MinMatchRate | Integer | Match Rate of scan |
RiskLevelId | Integer |
Risk Level Id of scan
MonitoringModifiedDate | DateTime | Monitoring Last Modified Date |
LastMonitoringDate | DateTime | Last Monitoring Date of scan as Datetime |
LastMonitoringDateText | String | Last Monitoring Date as Text |
MonitoringDay | Integer | Total Monitoring Day |
MonitoringStatus | Boolean | Monitoring is active |
Period | String |
Period Info
Result | String | Result information |
NextMonitoringDate | DateTime | Next Monitoring Date |
The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.
Sample Service Response Codes
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorCode": null,
"ErrorMessage": null,
"ExtraInfo": null,
"Result": {
"ApiUsername": null,
"UserId": null,
"Username": null,
"SearchedType": null,
"QueryString": null,
"CreatedDate": null,
"CreatedDateText": null,
"Name": null,
"ScanId": null,
"MinMatchRate": null,
"MaxMatchRate": null,
"RiskLevelId": null,
"MonitoringModifiedDate": null,
"LastMonitoringDate": null,
"LastMonitoringDateText": null,
"MonitoringDay": null,
"MonitoringStatus": null,
"Period": null,
"Result": null,
"NextMonitoringDate": null,
Get Monitoring History
This service is used to list monitoring history. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
username | String | Yes | Api Username Info |
password | String | Yes | Api Password Info |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
ScanId | String | Yes | Memo Id Of Search (Example: "scanId":"D0000000000") |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
HttpStatusCode | Int |
Transaction Result Code 200: Success 400: Unsuccessful |
IsSuccess | Boolean |
Transaction Result True: Success False: Unsuccessful |
ErrorCode | String |
Error Code |
ErrorMessage | String |
Error Message |
ExtraInfo | String |
Extra Information |
Result | String |
Result Message |
HistoryList | Class |
HistoryList Class Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
DateTime | String | DateTime Information |
Added | Class | Added class information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Updated | Class | Updated class information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Removed | Class | Removed class information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Count | Integer | Number of data added |
ListNames | String | Names |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Count | Integer | Number of data updated |
ListNames | String | Names |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Count | Integer | Number of data removed |
ListNames | String | Names |
The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.
Sample Service Response Codes
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorCode": null,
"ErrorMessage": null,
"ExtraInfo": null,
"Result": null,
"HistoryList": [
Get Changed Monitorings By Date
This service is used to view the "ScanId" information of the monitors that changed on the sent date. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
username | String | Yes | Api Username Info |
password | String | Yes | Api Password Info |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description |
date | DateTime | Yes | Monitor Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
HttpStatusCode | Int |
Transaction Result Code 200: Success 400: Unsuccessful |
IsSuccess | Boolean |
Transaction Result True: Success False: Unsuccessful |
ErrorCode | String |
Error Code |
ErrorMessage | String |
Error Message |
ExtraInfo | String |
Extra Information |
Result | Result Class |
Result Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
ScanIdList | String Array | List of Scan Ids of monitors that were modified on the date sent. |
The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.
Sample Service Response Codes
GET /api/Reports/GetChangedMonitoringsByDate?date=date
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorCode": "string",
"ErrorMessage": "string",
"ExtraInfo": "string",
"Result": {
"ScanIdList": [