Get Search By ScanId

This service allows you to list the users of your organization. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;

Token Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
username String Yes

Api Username Info

password String Yes

Api Password Info

Input Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
ScanId String Yes

Scan Id Of Search (Example: D00000001)

Start int No

Match results from the database, starting from the offset value

Limit int No

Match results from the database, taking up to this many matches each search. If the limit value is not given, all of the data will be displayed.

Output Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
HttpStatusCode Int

Transaction Result Code

200: Success

400: Unsuccessful

IsSuccess Boolean

Transaction Result

True: Success

False: Unsuccessful

ErrorCode String

Error Code

ErrorMessage String

Error Message

ExtraInfo String

Extra Information

Result Result Class

Result Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Result Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
ScanType String

Scan Type (Ex. SearchByPassportNo, SearchByName etc.)

ScanId String

Scan Id

ScanBy String

Scanner User

value String

Scanned scan term

MatchStatusId int

Match Status Id of scan
1:No Match
2:Potential Match
3:False Positive
4:True Positive
5:True Positive Approve
6:True Positive Reject

RiskLevelId int

Risk Level Id of scan

AssignedUserGuidId string

Assigned User Guid Id of scan *(You can find the details of the relevant user using the api described at Get My Organization Users.)

TagList string array

Tag Guid Id List of scan *(You can find the details of the relevant tag using the api described at Get My Organization Tags.)

AssignedUser String

Assigned User

Tags String

Tags Name (Separated by commas)

Result Result Detail Class

Result Detail Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Result Detail Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
TotalRecordCount int

Total count of unique records matching the search result

ReturnRecordCount int

Count of unique records that match within the limit in the search result

TotalProfileCount int

Total count of matching profiles in search result

Start int

Match results from the database, starting from the offset value

Limit int

Match results from the database, taking up to this many matches each search

ReferenceNumber int

Reference Number *(ScanId, unique identifier that created by Sanction Scanner on every scan.)

OutReferenceNumber String

Out Reference Number is a unique identifier that you assign to this scan to track it and enables you to set Risks and Comments for Screening

IsWhiteList Booelan

If the result is true, the scanned value is in the whitelist

WhiteListMessage String

Returns a message if IsWhiteList is true

NameSearchType String

Search Type (Ex: Individual, Organization, Vessel etc.)

MinMatchRate int

Minimum Match Rate parameter of scan

MaxMatchRate int

Maximum Match Rate parameter of scan

BirthYear int

Birth Year parameter of scan

IsSafeList Booelan

If the result is true, the scanned value is in the safe list

IsZFS Booelan

If the result is true, scan details will not be logged or saved

NationalyFilter String

Country Code parameter of scan

Result Result List Class

Result List Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Result List Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
MatchRate Double

The rate at which the result matches the scan term

IsMatchAka Boolean

Is the match obtained from aka

FirstName String

Name of scanned entity

MiddleName String

Middle Name of scanned entity

LastName String

Surname of scanned entity

FullName String

Full Name of scanned entity

EntityType String

Entity Type (Individual, Corporate, Vessel, Aircraft, Country)

Type String

Type of list (Sanction, Wanted, Watchlist, PEP, SIP, Local, RCA)

BlacklistName String

Blacklist Name (Us OFAC List,Interpol Wanted List Etc.)

RegisteredNumber String

Registered Number for entities

ProgramKey String

Program Key

ProgramName String

The crime scope that caused the questioned person to be listed

Origin String

Origin Information

SanctionSet String

Sanction Set Information

Nationality String

Nationality of scanned entity

Title String

Title of scanned entity

HonoricPrefix String

Honoric Prefix of scanned entity

HonoricSuffix String

Honoric Suffix of scanned entity

ContactDetails String

Contact Details of scanned entity

Email String

Email of scanned entity

ListedOn String

List entry date of scanned entity

OtherInformation String

Other Information about scanned entity

MatchedListId Integer

The list information that the query matches is given below the document.

Position String

Position of scanned entity

LastUpdateDate String

Last Update Date to record

CountryCode String

Country Code

Country String

Country information

Address String

Address information

PassportDetails String

Scanned entity’s Passport Details

Language String

Language information

BirthDate String

Scanned entity’s Birth Date

DeathDate String

Scanned entity’s Death Date

CitizenDetail String

Scanned entity’s Citizen Details

AddressDetail String

Scanned entity’s Address Details

Function String

Scanned entity’s Function information

Gender String

Scanned entity’s Gender information

Remark String

Remark information

FirstSeen String

First Seen

LastSeen String

Last Seen information

Summary String

Summary information

FatherName String

Father Name information

Committees String

Committees information

Basis String

Basis information

RecordUniqueNumber String

Record Unique Number information

Designation String

Designation information

SubmittedBy String

Submitted By information

Justification String

Justification information

DataSource String

DataSource information

ListingInformation String

Listing information

VesselCallSign String

Vessel Call Sign

VesselType String

Vessel Type

VesselFlag String

Vessel Flag

VesselTonnage String

Vessel Tonnage

VesselGrossRegisteredTonnage String

Vessel Gross Registered Tonnage

VesselOwner String

Vessel Owner

BlacklistFlagCode String

Blacklist Flag Code

ProfileKey String

If the names on different lists have the same person,entity or organization as a result of the search, they will have the same "ProfileKey" value.

PepClass String

Pep Class Detail

PepClassId Integer

1 (PEP Class 1): People with titles such as Heads of Government, Heads of State, Kings, Cabinet Members, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Deputies, Military Force Commanders, Supreme Court Presidents, Heads Of Law Enforcement Force, Party Presidents and Court Presidents are included in this class.

2 (PEP Class 2): People with titles such as High Ranking Soldiers, Governors, Religious and Spiritual Leaders, Ambassadors, Consuls, Members of High Court Delegations, and Under Secretaries are included in this class.

3 (PEP Class 3): People with titles such as Mayors and Managers of Public Institutions or Public Affiliated Organizations or Deputy Head of Mission are included in this class.

4 (PEP Class 4): People who have a relative close association with people who are in the category of politically exposed persons are included in this class.

6 (Special Interest Persons (SIP)): Special Interest Persons are individuals that present a heightened level of risk due to their suspected or confirmed involvement in criminal activity.

ssid String

Unique Id of this data

OtherNames OtherNames Class

OtherNames information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Documents Documents Class

Documents information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

BirthDetails BirthDetails Class

BirthDetails information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

AddressDetails AddressDetails Class

AddressDetails information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Images Images Class

Images Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Links Links Class

Links information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Modifications Modifications Class

Modifications information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

MembershipData MembershipData Class

MembershipData information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

MediaData MediaData Class

MediaData information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

OtherNames Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
NameType String

Name Type (AKA or Original Script etc.)

FullName String

FullName of scanned entity

Language String

Language of scanned entity Name

OtherInformation String

Extra informations

Quality String

Quality of name

Documents Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
DocumentType String

Document Type information

DocumentTypeInformation String

Document Type extra information

DocumentNumber String

Document Number

DocumentCountry String

Country of Document

DocumentCity String

City of Document

IssueDate String

Issue Date of Document

ExpirationDate String

Expiration Date of Document

OtherInformation String

Extra Informations

BirthDetails Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
BirthDate String

Birth Date

BirthPlace String

Birth Place

Birth Country String

Birth Country

OtherInformation String

Extra Informations

AddressDetails Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
Number String


Street String


State String


ZipCode String


City String


Country String


IsoCode String

Country Iso Code

OtherInformation String

Extra Informations

Images Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
DataSource String

Data Source

Link String

Link of Image

OtherInformation String

Extra Informations

Links Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
DataSource String

Data Source

Link String

External Link

OtherInformation String

Extra Informations

Modifications Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
ProcessName String

Process Name

Modification Type String

Modification Type

EnactmentDate String

Enactment Date

PublicationDate String

Publication Date

EffectiveDate String

Effective Date

OtherInformation String

Extra Informations

MembershipData Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
ConstituencyArea String

Constituency Area Information

EventClassification String

Event Classification Information

EventName String

Event Name

EventStartDate String

Event Start Date

EventEndDate String

Event End Date

EventOrganizationName String

Event Organization Name

PartyClassification String

Party Classification Information

PartyShortName String

Party Short Name

PartyName String

Party Name

PartyImage String

Party Image

PartyWebsite String

Party Web site

PartySrgb String

Party Srgb

OrganizationClassification String

Organization Classification Information

OrganizationId String

Organization Identity Number

OrganizationName String

Organization Name

OrganizationImage String

Organization Image

OrganizationWebsite String

Organization Web site

OrganizationSrgb String

Organization Srgb

Role String


Sources String

Sources Informations

MediaData Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
Id Integer

Id Of Media

Link String

Link of Media

Title String

Title Of Media

The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.

Sample Service Response Codes


GET /api/Retrieving/GetSearchByScanId?scanId= 

  "HttpStatusCode": 200,
  "IsSuccess": true,
  "ErrorCode": null,
  "ErrorMessage": null,
  "ExtraInfo": null,
  "Result": {
    "ScanType": "****",
    "ScanId": "****",
    "ScanBy": "****",
    "ScanDate": "",
    "value": "****",
    "MatchStatusId": 0,
    "RiskLevelId": 0,
    "AssignedUserGuidId": "****",
    "TagList": [
    "Result": {
    "TotalRecordCount": 10,
    "ReturnRecordCount": 1,
    "TotalProfileCount": 1,
    "Start": 0,
    "Limit": 50,
    "ReferenceNumber": "D******",
    "OutReferenceNumber": "",
    "MatchStatus": "",
    "RiskLevel": "",
    "IsWhiteList": false,
    "WhiteListMessage": "",
    "MatchStatusId": 2,
    "RiskLevelId": 0,
    "AssignedUserGuidId": null,
    "TagList": [],
    "NameSearchType": "*******",
    "MinMatchRate": 50,
    "MaxMatchRate": 50,
    "BirthYear": 1999,
    "IsSafeList": false,
    "NationalyFilter": "tr,de,us",
    "IsZFS": false,
    "Result": [
        "FirstName": "****",
        "MiddleName": "****",
        "LastName": "****",
        "FullName": "****",
        "Nationality": "****",
        "ListedOn": "****",
        "LastUpdateDate": "****",
        "ProgramKey": "****",
        "ProgramName": "****",
        "Position": "****",
        "Country": "****",
        "SanctionSet": "****",
        "Origin": "****",
        "Title": "****",
        "Gender": "****",
        "Function": "****",
        "Language": "****",
        "CitizenDetail": "****",
        "CountryCode": "****",
        "HonoricPrefix": "****",
        "HonoricSuffix": "****",
        "ContactDetails": "****",
        "Email": "****",
        "BirthDate": "****",
        "DeathDate": "****",
        "EntityType": "****",
        "Type": "****",
        "Remark": "****",
        "FirstSeen": "****",
        "LastSeen": "****",
        "Summary": "****",
        "FatherName": "****",
        "Committees": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****",
        "Basis": "****",
        "BlackListTypeId": "****",
        "RecordUniqueNumber": "****",
        "Designation": "****",
        "SubmittedBy": "****",
        "Justification": "****",
        "DataSource": "****",
        "ListingInformation": "****",
        "BlacklistName": "****",
        "BlacklistFlagCode": "****",
        "VesselCallSign": "****",
        "VesselType": "****",
        "VesselFlag": "****",
        "VesselTonnage": "****",
        "VesselGrossRegisteredTonnage": "****",
        "VesselOwner": "****",
        "RegisteredNumber": "******",
        "ProfileKey": "******",
        "OtherNames": [
        "NameType": "****",
        "FullName": "****",
        "Language": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****",
        "Quality": "****"
    "Documents": [
        "DocumentType": "****",
        "DocumentTypeInformation": "****",
        "DocumentNumber": "****",
        "DocumentCountry": "****",
        "DocumentCity": "****",
        "IssueDate": "****",
        "ExpirationDate": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****"
    "BirthDetails": [
        "BirthDate": "****",
        "BirthPlace": "****",
        "BirthCountry": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****"
    "AddressDetails": [
        "Number": "****",
        "Street": "****",
        "State": "****",
        "ZipCode": "****",
        "City": "****",
        "Country": "****",
        "IsoCode": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****"
    "Images": [
        "DataSource": "****",
        "Link": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****"
    "Links": [
        "DataSource": "****",
        "Link": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****"
    "Modifications": [
        "ProcessName": "****",
        "ModificationType": "****",
        "EnactmentDate": "****",
        "PublicationDate": "****",
        "EffectiveDate": "****",
        "OtherInformation": "****"
    "MemberShipData": [
        "ConstituencyArea": "****",
        "EventClassification": "****",
        "EventName": "****",
        "EventStartDate": "****",
        "EventEndDate": "****",
        "EventOrganizationName": "****",
        "PartyClassification": "****",
        "PartyShortName": "****",
        "PartyName": "****",
        "PartyImage": "****",
        "PartyWebsite": "****",
        "PartySrgb": "****",
        "OrganizationClassification": "****",
        "OrganizationId": "****",
        "OrganizationName": "****",
        "OrganizationImage": "****",
        "OrganizationWebsite": "****",
        "OrganizationSrgb": "****",
        "Role": "****",
        "Sources": "****"

Get Searches By Reference Number

This service allows you to list the users of your organization. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;

Token Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
username String Yes

Api Username Info

password String Yes

Api Password Info

Input Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
referenceNumber String Yes

Reference number of the search *(This input does not represent "scanId" of the search but "OutReferenceNumber")

Output Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
HttpStatusCode Int

Transaction Result Code

200: Success

400: Unsuccessful

IsSuccess Boolean

Transaction Result

True: Success

False: Unsuccessful

ErrorCode String

Error Code

ErrorMessage String

Error Message

ExtraInfo String

Extra Information

Result Result Class

Result Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Result Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
ScanId String

ScanId Of Search

CreatedDate DateTime

Search Date

ApiUsername String

Searcher API User Name

Username String

Searcher User Name

SearchedType String

Entity Type (ByName,ByPassportNo ...)

QueryString String

Scan Term

ReturnCount String

Search Result Count

SourceType String

Web Or API

OrganizationName String

Organization Name

ReferenceNumber String

Reference Number

MemoRecord String

Memo Record Of Search

The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.

Sample Service Response Codes


GET /api/Retrieving/GetSearchesByReferenceNumber?referenceNumber= 

    "HttpStatusCode": 200,
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ErrorMessage": null,
    "ExtraInfo": null,
    "Result": [
            "ScanId": "D00000000",
            "CreatedDate": "*******",
            "ApiUsername": "*********",
            "Username": "*********",
            "SearchedType": "*********",
            "QueryString": "*********",
            "ReturnCount": "*********",
            "SourceType": "*********",
            "OrganizationName": "*********",
            "ReferenceNumber": "*********",
            "MemoRecord": "*********"
            "ScanId": "D00000000",
            "CreatedDate": "*******",
            "ApiUsername": "*********",
            "Username": "*********",
            "SearchedType": "*********",
            "QueryString": "*********",
            "ReturnCount": "*********",
            "SourceType": "*********",
            "OrganizationName": "*********",
            "ReferenceNumber": "*********",
            "MemoRecord": "*********"

Get Batch Search Results

This service allows you to list the users of your organization. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;

Token Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
username String Yes

Api Username Info

password String Yes

Api Password Info

Input Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
BatchId String Yes

Id you can obtain using the Batch Search method. (Ex. BS00000001)

Output Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
HttpStatusCode Int

Transaction Result Code

200: Success

400: Unsuccessful

IsSuccess Boolean

Transaction Result

True: Success

False: Unsuccessful

ErrorCode String

Error Code

ErrorMessage String

Error Message

ExtraInfo String

Extra Information

Result Result Class

Result Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Result Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
Status String

Batch Search Status (Ex. "Done", "InProgress")

Message String

Result Message

Scans Scans Class List

Scans Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

Scans Class Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
ScanId String

ScanId (Ex. D000000001)

OutReferenceNumber String

Out Reference Number is a unique identifier that you assign to this scan to track it and enables you to set Risks and Comments for Screening

QueryString String

Searched scan term

TotalProfileCount Integer

Total count of profiles returned by the search.

The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.

Sample Service Response Codes


    "HttpStatusCode": 200,
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ErrorMessage": null,
    "ExtraInfo": null,
    "Result": {
        "Status": "Done",
        "Message": "Batch Search Completed Successfully.",
        "Scans": [
                "ScanId": "D0000000001",
                "QueryString": "******",
                "TotalProfileCount": 15
                "ScanId": "D0000000002",
                "QueryString": "******",
                "TotalProfileCount": 20

Get Summary Pdf Report By Scan Id

This service allows you to create summary pdf report of the scan by scan Id. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;

Token Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
username String Yes

Api Username Info

password String Yes

Api Password Info

Input Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
scanId String Yes

Id you can obtain using the Search method. (Ex. D0000000001)

Output Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
Report File File

The PDF File Returns

The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.

Get Details Pdf Report By Scan Id

This service allows you to create detail pdf report of the scan by scan Id. The “GET” method should be used when making a service call. In addition, the “username” and “password” information required for the service should be sent via “header” as “Authorization” information. The service call should be done as follows;

Token Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
username String Yes

Api Username Info

password String Yes

Api Password Info

Input Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Requirement Description
scanId String Yes

Id you can obtain using the Search method. (Ex. D0000000001)

Output Informations
Parameter Name Data Type Description
Report File File

The PDF File Returns

The result of the call is a result and the status of the transaction is returned in response. In successful transactions , this status returns to 200, and in unsuccessful transactions it returns to 400.