For example;
The "Secret Key" given to you by Sanction Scanner is 672967b1-c734-43fa-9b3d-4e3a17235968. By hashing this key with the "sha-256" algorithm, the result 5645c121ab38ae9661ed85e45a5b458874c2d7a9d6569e762d90a53277a659c2 is obtained. In this case, the header to be transmitted in the post request is as follows;
X-SanctionScanner-Signature: sha256=5645c121ab38ae9661ed85e45a5b458874c2d7a9d6569e762d90a53277a659c2
Parameter Name | Data Type |
Event | String |
Data | Data Class. The Data Class varies for events. You can find detailed explanations in the tables below. |
Event: match_status_updated
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Search_ScanId | String | ScanId of the affected scan |
Search_OutReferenceNumber | String | Out Reference number of the affected scan |
Search_MatchStatus | String | Match status of the affected scan |
Search_MatchStatusId | Integer |
Match status Id of the affected scan
Search_RiskLevel | String |
Risk level of the affected scan |
Search_RiskLevelId | Integer |
Risk level Id of the affected scan
Search_Tags | Array | Tags of the affected scan |
Search_TagKeys | Array | Tag Keys of the affected scan |
Sample Response Codes
"Event": "match_status_updated",
"Data": {
"Search_ScanId": "******",
"Search_OutReferenceNumber": "******",
"Search_MatchStatus": "******",
"Search_MatchStatusId": "1",
"Search_RiskLevel": "******",
"Search_RiskLevelId": "0",
"Search_Tags": ["",""],
"Search_TagKeys": ["",""],
Event: risk_level_updated
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Search_ScanId | String | ScanId of the affected scan |
Search_OutReferenceNumber | String | Out Reference number of the affected scan |
Search_MatchStatus | String | Match status of the affected scan |
Search_MatchStatusId | Integer |
Match status Id of the affected scan
Search_RiskLevel | String | Risk level of the affected scan |
Search_RiskLevelId | Integer |
Risk level Id of the affected scan
Search_Tags | Array | Tags of the affected scan |
Search_TagKeys | Array | Tag Keys of the affected scan |
Sample Response Codes
"Event": "risk_level_updated",
"Data": {
"Search_ScanId": "******",
"Search_OutReferenceNumber": "******",
"Search_MatchStatus": "******",
"Search_MatchStatusId": "1",
"Search_RiskLevel": "******",
"Search_RiskLevelId": "0",
"Search_Tags": ["",""],
"Search_TagKeys": ["",""],
Event: ongoing_monitoring_updated
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Search_ScanId | String | ScanId of the affected scan |
Search_OutReferenceNumber | String | Out Reference number of the affected scan |
Search_MatchStatus | String | Match status of the affected scan |
Search_MatchStatusId | Integer |
Match status Id of the affected scan
Search_RiskLevel | String | Risk level of the affected scan |
Search_RiskLevelId | Integer |
Risk level Id of the affected scan
Search_Tags | Array | Tags of the affected scan |
Search_TagKeys | Array | Tag Keys of the affected scan |
MonitoringChanged | Integer | Monitoring Changed Data Count |
MonitoringResponse | MonitoringResponse Class. You can find detailed explanations in the tables below. | Monitoring Data Details |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
TotalRecordCount | int | Total Record Count |
ReturnRecordCount | int | Return Record Count |
Start | int | Start Value |
Limit | int | Limit Value |
ReferenceNumber | int | Reference Number |
OutReferenceNumber | String | Out Reference Number |
IsWhiteList | Booelan | Searched Value Is In White List |
WhiteListMessage | String | Returns A Message If IsWhiteList Is True |
Result | Result Class Array |
Result Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
MatchRate | Double | The rate at which the result matches the scan term |
IsMatchAka | Boolean | Is the match obtained from aka |
FirstName | String | Name of scanned entity |
MiddleName | String | Middle Name of scanned entity |
LastName | String | Surname of scanned entity |
FullName | String | Full Name of scanned entity |
EntityType | String | Entity Type (Individual, Corporate, Vessel, Aircraft, Country) |
Type | String | Type of list (Sanction, Wanted, Watchlist, PEP, SIP, Local, RCA) |
BlacklistName | String | Blacklist Name (Us OFAC List, Interpol Wanted List Etc.) |
RegisteredNumber | String | Registered Number for entities |
ProgramKey | String | Program Key |
ProgramName | String | The crime scope that caused the questioned person to be listed |
Origin | String | Origin Information |
SanctionSet | String | Sanction Set Information |
Nationality | String | Nationality of scanned entity |
Title | String | Title of scanned entity |
HonoricPrefix | String | Honoric Prefix of scanned entity |
HonoricSuffix | String | Honoric Suffix of scanned entity |
ContactDetails | String | Contact Details of scanned entity |
String | Email of scanned entity |
ListedOn | String | List entry date of scanned entity |
OtherInformation | String | Other Information about scanned entity |
MatchedListId | Integer | The list information that the query matches is given below the document. |
Position | String | Position of scanned entity |
LastUpdateDate | String | Last Update Date to record |
CountryCode | String | Country Code |
Country | String | Country information |
Address | String | Address information |
PassportDetails | String | Scanned entity’s Passport Details |
Language | String | Language information |
BirthDate | String | Scanned entity’s Birth Date |
DeathDate | String | Scanned entity’s Death Date |
CitizenDetail | String | Scanned entity’s Citizen Details |
AddressDetail | String | Scanned entity’s Address Details |
Function | String | Scanned entity’s Function information |
Gender | String | Scanned entity’s Gender information |
Remark | String | Remark information |
FirstSeen | String | First Seen |
LastSeen | String | Last Seen information |
Summary | String | Summary information |
FatherName | String | Father Name information |
Committees | String | Committees information |
Basis | String | Basis information |
RecordUniqueNumber | String | Record Unique Number information |
Designation | String | Designation information |
SubmittedBy | String | Submitted By information |
Justification | String | Justification information |
DataSource | String | DataSource information |
ListingInformation | String | Listing information |
VesselCallSign | String | Vessel Call Sign |
VesselType | String | Vessel Type |
VesselFlag | String | Vessel Flag |
VesselTonnage | String | Vessel Tonnage |
VesselGrossRegisteredTonnage | String | Vessel Gross Registered Tonnage |
VesselOwner | String | Vessel Owner |
BlacklistFlagCode | String | Blacklist Flag Code |
ProfileKey | String |
If the names on different lists have the same person, entity or organization as a result of the search, they will have the same "ProfileKey" value. |
PepClass | String | Pep Class Detail |
PepClassId | Integer |
1 (PEP Class 1): People with titles such as Heads of Government, Heads of State, Kings, Cabinet Members, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Deputies, Military Force Commanders, Supreme Court Presidents, Heads Of Law Enforcement Force, Party Presidents and Court Presidents are included in this class.
ssid | String | Unique Id of this data |
OtherNames | OtherNames Class | OtherNames information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Documents | Documents Class | Documents information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
BirthDetails | BirthDetails Class | BirthDetails information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
AddressDetails | AddressDetails Class | AddressDetails information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Images | Images Class | Images Information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Links | Links Class | Links information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Modifications | Modifications Class | Modifications information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
MembershipData | MembershipData Class | MembershipData information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
MediaData | MediaData Class | MediaData information. The following internal table describes the internal parameters. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
NameType | String | Name Type Information |
FullName | String | FullName Of Queried Person |
Language | String | Language Of Queried Person Name |
OtherInformation | String | Extra Informations |
Quality | String | Quality |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
DocumentType | String | Document Type Information |
DocumentTypeInformation | String | Document Type Extra Information |
DocumentNumber | String | Document Number |
DocumentCountry | String | Document Country |
DocumentCity | String | Document City |
IssueDate | String | Issue Date |
ExpirationDate | String | Expiration Date |
OtherInformation | String | Extra Informations |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
BirthDate | String | Birth Date |
BirthPlace | String | Birth Place |
Birth Country | String | Birth Country |
OtherInformation | String | Extra Informations |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Number | String | Number |
Street | String | Street |
State | String | State |
ZipCode | String | ZipCode |
City | String | City |
Country | String | Country |
IsoCode | String | IsoCode |
OtherInformation | String | Extra Informations |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
DataSource | String | Data Source |
Link | String | Link |
OtherInformation | String | Extra Informations |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
DataSource | String | Data Source |
Link | String | Link |
OtherInformation | String | Extra Informations |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
ProcessName | String | Process Name |
Modification Type | String | Modification Type |
EnactmentDate | String | Enactment Date |
PublicationDate | String | Publication Date |
EffectiveDate | String | Effective Date |
OtherInformation | String | Extra Informations |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
ConstituencyArea | String | Constituency Area Information |
EventClassification | String | Event Classification Information |
EventName | String | Event Name |
EventStartDate | String | Event Start Date |
EventEndDate | String | Event End Date |
EventOrganizationName | String | Event Organization Name |
PartyClassification | String | Party Classification Information |
PartyShortName | String | Party Short Name |
PartyName | String | Party Name |
PartyImage | String | Party Image |
PartyWebsite | String | Party Web site |
PartySrgb | String | Party Srgb |
OrganizationClassification | String | Organization Classification Information |
OrganizationId | String | Organization Identity Number |
OrganizationName | String | Organization Name |
OrganizationImage | String | Organization Image |
OrganizationWebsite | String | Organization Web site |
OrganizationSrgb | String | Organization Srgb |
Role | String | Role |
Sources | String | Sources Informations |
Sample Response Codes
"Event": "ongoing_monitoring_updated",
"Data": {
"Search_ScanId": "******",
"Search_OutReferenceNumber": "******",
"Search_MatchStatus": "******",
"Search_MatchStatusId": "1",
"Search_RiskLevel": "******",
"Search_RiskLevelId": "0",
"Search_Tags": ["",""],
"Search_TagKeys": ["",""],
"MonitoringChanged": "******",
"MonitoringResponse": {
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorCode": null,
"ErrorMessage": null,
"ExtraInfo": null,
"Result": {
"TotalRecordCount": 10,
"ReturnRecordCount": 1,
"Start": 0,
"Limit": 50,
"ReferenceNumber": "D******",
"OutReferenceNumber": "",
"IsWhiteList": false,
"WhiteListMessage": "",
"Result": [
"FirstName": "****",
"MiddleName": "****",
"LastName": "****",
"FullName": "****",
"Nationality": "****",
"ListedOn": "****",
"LastUpdateDate": "****",
"ProgramKey": "****",
"ProgramName": "****",
"Position": "****",
"Country": "****",
"SanctionSet": "****",
"Origin": "****",
"Title": "****",
"Gender": "****",
"Function": "****",
"Language": "****",
"CitizenDetail": "****",
"CountryCode": "****",
"HonoricPrefix": "****",
"HonoricSuffix": "****",
"ContactDetails": "****",
"Email": "****",
"BirthDate": "****",
"DeathDate": "****",
"EntityType": "****",
"Type": "****",
"Remark": "****",
"FirstSeen": "****",
"LastSeen": "****",
"Summary": "****",
"FatherName": "****",
"Committees": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****",
"Basis": "****",
"BlackListTypeId": "****",
"RecordUniqueNumber": "****",
"Designation": "****",
"SubmittedBy": "****",
"Justification": "****",
"DataSource": "****",
"ListingInformation": "****",
"BlacklistName": "****",
"BlacklistFlagCode": "****",
"RegisteredNumber": "******",
"ProfileKey": "******",
"OtherNames": [
"NameType": "****",
"FullName": "****",
"Language": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****",
"Quality": "****"
"Documents": [
"DocumentType": "****",
"DocumentTypeInformation": "****",
"DocumentNumber": "****",
"DocumentCountry": "****",
"DocumentCity": "****",
"IssueDate": "****",
"ExpirationDate": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****"
"BirthDetails": [
"BirthDate": "****",
"BirthPlace": "****",
"BirthCountry": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****"
"AddressDetails": [
"Number": "****",
"Street": "****",
"State": "****",
"ZipCode": "****",
"City": "****",
"Country": "****",
"IsoCode": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****"
"Images": [
"DataSource": "****",
"Link": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****"
"Links": [
"DataSource": "****",
"Link": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****"
"Modifications": [
"ProcessName": "****",
"ModificationType": "****",
"EnactmentDate": "****",
"PublicationDate": "****",
"EffectiveDate": "****",
"OtherInformation": "****"
"MemberShipData": [
"ConstituencyArea": "****",
"EventClassification": "****",
"EventName": "****",
"EventStartDate": "****",
"EventEndDate": "****",
"EventOrganizationName": "****",
"PartyClassification": "****",
"PartyShortName": "****",
"PartyName": "****",
"PartyImage": "****",
"PartyWebsite": "****",
"PartySrgb": "****",
"OrganizationClassification": "****",
"OrganizationId": "****",
"OrganizationName": "****",
"OrganizationImage": "****",
"OrganizationWebsite": "****",
"OrganizationSrgb": "****",
"Role": "****",
"Sources": "****"